- To undertake Institution building, Micro-Finance program, Agriculture & Social Forestry, Poultry & Livestock, Education Programs.
- To organize the destitute, poor and disadvantaged people in groups and develop collective leadership among them.
- To facilitate member to create employment opportunity through skill development generating self financed capital and organization support.
- To impart training to enhance the capability of the members to select plan and manage a feasible IGA. So that it can enable them to increase the purchasing capacity subsequently the quality of life.
- To increase access to educational opportunities for children, adolescent and adult members through nonformula education and literacy centres.
- To produce a wide range of services relating to human rights, family law and legal support to protect vulnerable victims from any sorts of oppression.
- To undertake various environmental including environmental education, plantation, solid water management etc and ensure safe and hygienic water and sanitation program.